Awakening to Change: A Social Justice Discussion Group

Thursday, September 8

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Awakening to Change is designed to help unify our community by developing a shared understanding of the history, policy, and experiences shaping contemporary discussions of race. We tackle a new topic each month, sometimes reading books, discussing films, or learning from articles. All are welcome to join!

This month we’re discussing Handling Opposition when Discussing Race. In order for us to tackle the racial inequities that currently exist, we must first learn and then talk about them. But how, when talking about race and systemic racism is so difficult? Often wanting to share what we’ve learned, there’s nothing more difficult than trying to discuss these topics with family and friends. Learn how to prepare yourself for these conversations and to provide responses to often asked questions/comments like: ‘Can people of color be racist?’ or ‘It seems you’re saying all white people are racist.’ Discover how to remain calm if things get heated. This one’s not to be missed if you want to have more meaningful discussions.

Registration is required. A pre-meeting worksheet will be shared after registering.

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