Wednesday Stories LIVE: A Virtual Storytime for ages 5 and under

Wednesday Stories LIVE: A Virtual Storytime for ages 5 and under

Wednesday Stories LIVE: A Virtual Storytime for ages 5 and under


Wednesday, December 2

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Sign up happens here. Once registered you will receive an email around 9AM the morning of the event with our ZOOM meeting number and password to gain access to our virtual storytime. Storytime kits are available for pick up with sign up, one per participant while supplies last. Specifics on “how to” will be emailed.

Please know that we are looking forward to singing, dancing and reading with you!


Mystery Book Club

Mystery Book Club

Mystery Book Club

First Wednesday of the month

Wednesday, December 2

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Mystery Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month. For information call Elizabeth Henderson at (434) 841-5328.


Virtual Latin II (for grade 7-adult)

Virtual Latin II (for grade 7-adult)

Virtual Latin II (for grade 7-adult)

Every Wednesday

Wednesday, December 2

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Latin II is best suited for those who have completed at least a level I Latin course and are familiar with basic vocabulary and grammar, such as the five declensions, six cases, regular and irregular verbs, and all six verb tenses in the active voice of the indicative mood. This group learning experience will use the textbook Ecce Romani II. A textbook will be provided for each student. In addition to the lessons in the text, Latin mottoes such as Lux et veritas and Qui transtulit sustinet will be featured weekly.

Registration is required to receive a link to this online event. Contact the Reference Department at 203-488-1441, ext. 318  or email for details. Class meets every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00pm.
