When you receive a hold notice, please call us at 203-488-1441, extension 315 to schedule your pick-up time. If you don’t have access to email or text – we will still call you. To sign up for email notices, login to your account and update your settings, or give us a call. If you would like to receive text notices, please sign up for Shoutbomb here. When you receive an email hold pick-up notice from Blackstone Library, please call the Circulation Desk at 203-488-1441 x315 as soon as possible to schedule a contactless pick-up time. Circulation staff are scheduling pick-up times in half-hour increments between 10 a.m.–12 noon, 2-4 p.m., and during our evening hours, from 5-7 p.m. It is important that patrons who receive email hold notices call us as soon as possible to schedule a pickup time due to the high volume of requested hold items we are receiving on a daily basis.