Need help downloading ebooks and audiobooks to your Kindle Fire? Follow these simple steps below.
Install App:
- Visit the app store and search for OverDrive Media Console app
- Download & install app, tap icon (blue square, white O) to open
- Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines), then “Get Books“
- Tap “Add a Library“, enter 06405, tap James Blackstone Memorial Library, tap Libraries Online, tap on star to save library
- Tap on Libraries Online text to open catalog, then search for title
Find and search for books:
- Open app, tap menu, tap Get Books, tap on Libraries Online text to open catalog
- Search or browse for title, if available, tap “Add to Cart” or if not, “Request/Hold”
- Confirm check-out, then tap Download
- ChooseKindle to borrow Kindle book; book will open from carousel.
- ChooseAdobe ePUB to read in Overdrive app (will allow for early return from app; must create a free Adobe ID when prompted )
To Read or Change Book Settings:
- Tap for menu, tap Bookshelf to display checked out items
- Tap title to open/read item (to change font size/color: Tap in bottom of screen to see options)
To Return Item Early:
- From the Bookshelf screen, tap and hold on book cover.
- Tap Return, then tap Return again.
Helpful Hints for Kindle Fire
- Kindle Fire devices can play Overdrive Mp3 audiobooks.
- Up to 6 titles can be placed on hold at one time
- Audiobook lending period = 10 days | E-book lending period = 14 days