Virtual Branford Forum: Political Hobbyism vs. Political Power

Sunday, January 10

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The Branford Forum, a community organization that brings nationally renowned figures to the Shoreline, is returning to the Blackstone Library for a series of virtual conversations. All presentations are 2:00 to 3:30 Sundays.

Professor Eitan Hersh, Associate Professor at Tufts University, will discuss his 2020 book Politics is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change. The talk will highlight the growing phenomenon of political hobbyism, a form of political engagement meant to satisfy emotional and intellectual needs rather than to influence public policy. We’ll discuss why political hobbyism is a problem, why it’s more prevalent than in the past, and most importantly, we’ll discuss the alternative to political hobbyism: doing politics.

Missed this program? Check out a recording of it and many others on our YouTube Channel!